Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Army Man Launcher``

Your Challenge

To launch an Army Man as far as you can using the materials provided
One paper cup
6 Ice block sticks
2 Rubber bands
One Army Man

String (60 cm)

Here is what we built

Swimming Term 3 and 4

Next week is Week nine and that means we are starting swimming. We will be swimming for the next 10 weeks, until Week 8, Term 4. Our Swimming groups are either on a Monday or Tuesday. These are early groupings and may change in the first few weeks of swimming.

Click here to see groups

This list will be updated when changes are made so please keep checking it.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Today we had a visit from Horizons

Today we had a visit from Sarah from Horizons. She talked with us about the impact we are having on our waterways.

We talked about run off from farms and urban runoff. Did you know that the water that goes down our storm water drains goes straight into our waterways and into our river? We talked about stopping rubbish going down drains and reducing the amount of sediment and other pollution that goes down the drains. Washing our cars on the grass instead of the concrete can help this.

Sarah bought a model that showed us run off both on farms and in towns. Farmers are planting trees and putting up fences to help combat the runoff on farms.

We looked at maps of our catchment and maps of the sewer and storm water pipes that cover our city.

Please talk with your child about what they learnt about through this experience.

Upcoming farm visit

Farm Visit
Dear parents and whanau,

This term as part of our Inquiry theme “Our Water” Puawaitanga team are going to visit a dairy farm in Linton, on Tuesday 10th September. We will be looking at what dairy farmers are doing on their farms to reduce the impact farmers have on waterways. We will be looking at the planting of trees and fencing that many farmers are doing to help reduce their impact. Prior to this trip, we will also be talking to a representative from Fonterra. While on the farm, we will get to see day-to-day life on the farm, in particular calves who are being born at this time.
This is a regular school day and part of our EOTC (Education outside the classroom) programme. Attendance is expected.

Rooms 10 and 11 - Leaving school by bus at 9am and returning at 1 pm
Rooms 13 and 14 - Leaving school by bus at 11 am and returning at 2:30 pm

Students will need:
Warm clothing - Children may also be exposed to the wind and sun, so please come prepared for any type of weather (layered clothing). A raincoat, a warm hat and sun protection.
Suitable covered shoes/Gumboots
Drink bottles
Lunch (No lunch orders to purchased on this day)
Change of clothes/shoes

For this excursion to go ahead, we need parent support. We require parent support to join us on the bus and then supervise a small group while touring the farm. Please indicate on the form below whether or not you are able to help us.

If there are any concerns or questions please contact your child’s classroom teacher or the Puawaitanga team leader, Chris McKeever.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Please fill out the permission form that your child has bought home this week.

New date for trip to Manawatu River

Unfortunately last week our trip to the Manawatu River for water testing was postponed due to the weather. We have been lucky enough to get another date with Horizons. We will now be going on Monday the 23rd of September. We will still need at least 4 parents to join us for this trip to go ahead. If you are interested in joining us, please contact your classroom teacher. Thank you to the parents who have already offered.

Monday the 23rd of September.  8:50am - 1 pm - Room 14
Monday the 23rd of September.  10:50am - 2:30 pm - Room 11

Students will need:
Warm clothing - Children may also be exposed to the wind and sun, so please come prepared for any type of weather (layered clothing). A raincoat, a warm hat, and sun protection. 
Suitable covered shoes/Gumboots
Drink bottles - There will be nowhere available to refill drink bottles so bringing a full water bottle is important
Lunch (No lunch orders to purchased on this day)
Change of clothes/shoes and a towel.

If there are any concerns or questions please contact your child’s classroom teacher or the Puawaitanga team leader, Chris McKeever. 

Thank you in advance for your support.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Straw Bridges

Team Work
Never give up
Make the world a better place for everyone
Don’t give up on your dreams
Use your grit
Work together
Have fun

Stay positive

The Challenge

  • Design a bridge that will hold a cup filled with rice
  • You CAN NOT tape the legs to the floor
  • You must only use the materials provided
  • Work as a TEAM to complete the challenge
  • 10 straws
  • Tape (1 meter)
  • Tape  (1 meter)

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Cultural experiences

Dear parents/Whanau

This term Puawaitanga team are learning about cultural diversity and inclusivity. As part of this inquiry your child would like to invite you to come into our classrooms to share a part of your culture with us. You could share anything from your culture including art, music, dance, cooking/baking storytelling - any ideas the children are able to experience or participate in are welcome.

We are hoping to have parents come into share with us in week 8 (March 18th - 22nd). Depending on interest, we would like to set up a rotation on Thursday 21st March so that all the children in Puawaitanga can experience a variety of culture. We understand however that this day may not fit in with your schedule or you may only be able to give up a portion of your day, so if you are only available to share with your child's class or at a certain time we will work with you to organise this.

If you are interested in being part of this learning experience in any way please get in contact.

Thank you,

Mr McKeever

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Library visit

Last week Room 14 went to the Awapuni Library. Some of us bought our library cards from home and got out a book to take home. Those of us who didn't have a card have bought home a form so that we can get our own card. We loved exploring the library and looking at new books. Here are some photos of us at the library.

Room 14 and Room 5 Gala Stall

Toy Store!!!!

To Parents/Whanau             

As I’m sure you already know, West End School is having a gala on Friday 1st March, 5pm - 8pm. Each classroom is running a stall and Room 5 and Room 14 are selling old toys. We would like permission to bring any old toys that are in good condition to school to add to our stall, to sell. We appreciate any donation that you are able to make.

Thank you for supporting us, Room 14

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Swimming Groups 2019

Next week is week five and that means we are starting swimming. We will be swimming for the next 10 weeks, until week 3 term 2. Our Swimming groups are either on a Monday or Tuesday. These are early groupings and may change in the first few weeks of swimming. Some children have yet to be placed in a group and will need to bring their togs on Monday.

Click here to see groups

This list will be updated when changes are made so please keep checking it.

Working together

In Room 14 we have been learning to work together. We did an activity where we had to move cups into a tower using string and a rubber band. Here are some photos of our efforts.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Welcome Back!

Term 1 2019

I hope you have all had a fun filled holiday and are ready to get into a busy year of learning! 

I am very excited to be working with you all this year. In Room 14 you will need to work hard, ask questions, try new things, solve problems, make mistakes and persevere, but don't worry there will be lots and lots of fun to be had as well!

I am looking forward to seeing you all and hearing about the wonderful and exciting things that you did in your holidays.

Don't forget your hat and a drink bottle on Wednesday the 30th February - see you then.

Mr McKeever